Saddened Mother’s Day
I am saddened by the number of moms on Mother’s Day just want the kids and spouse to go away for 12 hours.  Our children need to be taught the humility and gratitude for those who have sacrificed and support us each day. If we do not show our children by example we lose the opportunity to teach selflessness and the duty to care about others. 

On the ‘dangers’ of female travel

Road Essays

This could just be a story about countries deemed dangerous for women to travel to. But it’s more than that. This is a story about our perception of danger and how we’re told time and time again that the unfamiliar and the foreign are more dangerous to us than what is on our own doorstep.

A couple of months back, British tabloid the Daily Mail ran a story in their travel section titled ‘Sex attacks, muggings, and harassment: World’s most dangerous holiday destinations for women (and some of them may surprise you)’. The top ten list declared India; Brazil; Turkey; Thailand; Egypt; Colombia; South Africa; Morocco; Mexico; and Kenya to be the most dangerous countries for female travellers.

We’ll get back to that shortly.  First I want to tell you about a strange encounter I had in Medellin, Colombia in 2001.

After a hard couple of days travelling…

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Internet shopping tips


I am trying to be a better internet shopper now that I am learning some tips.  I am stocking up on gift cards bought at discounts and using online coupons with most purchases. With free delivery and no going to malls I am a happy person.



Intro: #HighFunctioningMeans – and its siblings, #LowFunctioningMeans and #FunctioningLabelsMean are trending on Twitter right now. For insight into what neurodiverse people really think of functioning labels, I suggest you check those tags out. I participated in the hashtag, and in my usual verbose way, I realized that I’d completely flood it if I posted all that’s in my brain, but I’m perseverating on it so I decided to turn it into a post. 

Content note: There are some offensive views I’ve written about in a first-person sense for reasons of satire. Content note for ableism and abuse. 

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Antisemitism in France: Yes, No, and Maybe


vu de pompidou

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo/ policewoman/ kosher market killings here in Paris that took 17 lives last January, people have asked when they might expect to see a ‘point de vue’ on two subjects: whether daily life has changed, and whether antisemitism is on the rise in France. The two are terribly intertwined, for Jews and non-Jews alike.  Were these acts ghastly aberrations, media-genic statistical outliers? Or, is antisemitism at their root and on the march? If it is taking ground, then by how much, how fast? By what measure? How much does one, can one know?

I only live here: in the Marais, the old traditional Jewish enclave. I don’t have insider information and I’m not even sure I think what I think. But everyone can have an opinion– and apparently everyone does. President Netanyahu of Israel expressed his when he invited the Jews of France to…

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The math of Ferguson: percentages don’t show how bad it really is

Being A Better Scientist

The other day, I was talking to my colleague Dr Scott Roy. We were working on the second midterm exam for our genetics class at SF State, but got distracted. We started talking about the DOJ report on Ferguson and especially the numbers in the report about racial bias. These are some of the numbers we talked about:

  • 67% of the population in Ferguson is black.
  • Blacks account for 85% of vehicle stops.
  • Blacks account for 90% of citations.
  • Blacks account for 93% of arrests.
  • Blacks account for 95% of “Manner of Walking in Roadway” charges.
  • Blacks account for 94% of all “Failure to Comply” charges.
  • Nearly 90% of documented force used by FPD officers was used against African Americans.
  • Blacks account for 100% of dog bites.
  • Blacks account for 96% of cases where someone was arrested by FPD only because of an outstanding municipal warrant.

So, from reading…

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Eco’s echo

The sparse brown blades of grass

Speckle the Midwest tundra

Hinting of solemn life below.

I return the layers of winter shields

To the solitary closet visited only in autumn.

The day light lingers an hour longer

A man made feat that defies nature

And I bask in the rays that will bring the Colors of spring.

But the twilight of rays will forward me to the autumn closet again

And I will trade my pinks and peaches for the colors of the sparse Midwest tundra again.

The meaning of life – what’s the point?

Contemplation is the highest form of activity. Aristotle 

As far as we can discern the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being? Jung

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful… honorable… compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. Emerson

Insert your meaning here- I would like to know! Di