Saddened Mother’s Day
I am saddened by the number of moms on Mother’s Day just want the kids and spouse to go away for 12 hours.  Our children need to be taught the humility and gratitude for those who have sacrificed and support us each day. If we do not show our children by example we lose the opportunity to teach selflessness and the duty to care about others. 

On the ‘dangers’ of female travel

Road Essays

This could just be a story about countries deemed dangerous for women to travel to. But it’s more than that. This is a story about our perception of danger and how we’re told time and time again that the unfamiliar and the foreign are more dangerous to us than what is on our own doorstep.

A couple of months back, British tabloid the Daily Mail ran a story in their travel section titled ‘Sex attacks, muggings, and harassment: World’s most dangerous holiday destinations for women (and some of them may surprise you)’. The top ten list declared India; Brazil; Turkey; Thailand; Egypt; Colombia; South Africa; Morocco; Mexico; and Kenya to be the most dangerous countries for female travellers.

We’ll get back to that shortly.  First I want to tell you about a strange encounter I had in Medellin, Colombia in 2001.

After a hard couple of days travelling…

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